Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean you can't still stay young, beautiful and healthy & being able to do it on a budget. This blog was made for Mother's who still want to look beautiful while raising kids. I will feature review's, giveaways, deals and anything Avon related.

Monday, March 5, 2012


So I haven't been on lately with any reviews or anything, my apologizes. I had a question for all of you. So I have tons of makeup (unused/barely used/open never used) Amongst various health and beauty products that I'd like to get rid of. In the past month I've given away 3 big bags of stuff! Perfumes, lotions, makeup, body sprays, & pedicure stuff. Talking top of the line stuff. Would anyone be interested in a contest like that? I usually give away brand new stuff. Feedback would be awesome. If so, I'll start a giveaway this week.

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