Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean you can't still stay young, beautiful and healthy & being able to do it on a budget. This blog was made for Mother's who still want to look beautiful while raising kids. I will feature review's, giveaways, deals and anything Avon related.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Avon Giveaway

I'm going to start my very first giveaway stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I just entered a giveaway, and it ask to leave a comment about if I use avon or like avon but there was no place to answer on that page, so im adding it here and hope you see it.
    I love avon! I have some of the ANEW CLINICAL Eye Lift PRO Dual Eye System... and the ANEW ULTIMATE Age Repair Day Cream & the Night Cream.
    (entered the giveaway as Donna D)
    chocho1957 at hotmail.com

