Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean you can't still stay young, beautiful and healthy & being able to do it on a budget. This blog was made for Mother's who still want to look beautiful while raising kids. I will feature review's, giveaways, deals and anything Avon related.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

East Boston relay for life

Cancer, the most painful 5-letter word anyone doesn't want to hear. Unfortunately for a lot of us, it's something we've had to deal with whether it be ourselves, family, or friends. This year I will be participating in East Boston's Relay for Life in Memory of Joanne Gayhart, our team name is "Joann's Angels" If any of my fellow bloggers would like to donate money or anything please feel free to contact me. I have a donation page listed here for those who would like to donate to the cause.
Thank you all and let's kick Cancer's ass!

Donate to Joann's angels
My personal donation page

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