Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean you can't still stay young, beautiful and healthy & being able to do it on a budget. This blog was made for Mother's who still want to look beautiful while raising kids. I will feature review's, giveaways, deals and anything Avon related.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Thursday, Shipping updates

I wanted all of you to know every contest winner and persons who asked for samples was shipped out yesterday morning 8am. Spread the word to your friends. I need 400 fans so I can start a HUGE giveaway. I'm offering free samples, all you have to do is go here O'Neill's Avon find something you may be interested in and email me. I need all the help I can get or I'm just going to shut the blog down, I'm starting to get a bit frustrated. I'm also working with the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, please read and a donation as small as $5 will help. Thanks Have a great day!

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