Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean you can't still stay young, beautiful and healthy & being able to do it on a budget. This blog was made for Mother's who still want to look beautiful while raising kids. I will feature review's, giveaways, deals and anything Avon related.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Upcoming giveaway/Review

Would any of you Mom's be interested in winning this?

Avon Naturals now has a new line designed for kids. When I was a kid my Mom always bought me the roll-on soaps, now that I'm a Mother I'm excited that Avon has finally come out with a line specifically for kids. I purchased it for my younger brother-in-laws and a friend's daughter. So I tried it on my son, not only does it smell great it makes bath time fun, especially if you have fussy bathers. First off we have the body wash/bubble bath. It comes in 3 scents. Bursting Berry, Outgoing orange and Swirling Strawberry. 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, in Crazy coconut and Wacky watermelon. When I was a kid (and I still do) I had long thick hair, back then we only had Johnson's "no more tears" spray now we have a detangling spray in Amazing apple along with a detangling comb. Now to my childhood favorite...the body paints! There are 6 scents to choose from. Amazing apple, Bubble gum, Cotton candy, crazy coconut, outgoing orange and Wacky watermelon. Last but not least...the sponges.

They're so cute, the picture speaks for itself. Book 4 which is currently the campaign I'm working on has introductory prices as follows.

Body wash & Bubble Bath, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, & detangler - $3.99 each. Detangling comb is $1.99, body paints are .99 cents and if you spend $5 or more you get a free sponge!
(Tear-free formulas are dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested. Ages 3 and up.)
If you would like to place an order, please visit our site, register and shop. Ebates customers earn 3% cash back on any avon orders, whether it be direct delivery or to your representative.

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